Friday, September 25, 2009

A Little Preview

Here are some pictures that I have taken for Etsy listings. I have had so much fun dressing up the mannequin and photographing her. My Granny had this mannequin in her attic for years. She bought it over 20 years ago and never used it!
I would like to give the mannequin a name...Any ideas?
Notice the flower arrangement in the background. I really like it!

I just love this apple green fabric. This photo does not do it justice. I'm going to have to try to get a closer shot.

Here's Mother's favorite flower.

Most people who see my flower collection love this one the best.

I just love the way this photo turned out.

Oh, and I have changed my watermark on my photos. I like this one much better. It's more subtle.

Does this fabric look familiar?

I wish had more of this gray linen!

Here is my winter white flower with a little touch of glitter.

These last two are going in my haute couture collection. I'll explain later.

Monday, June 1, 2009

I Heart Faces - Pets:Zena, Thou Art the Queen

A couple months ago on my main blog, A la parisienne, I was doing a photo shoot for a series of posts over scarves. As I was capturing the beauty of a collection of scarves draped over this pink velvet chair, my lethargic and quite overweight cat, Zena, jumped up into the chair in order to have a better view out of the open window.

I decided that if she was in the mood to be in the way, then she could at least be a model for my scarf posts; thus, I draped her in a wrinkled pink velvet scarf and began to click away! It wasn't until I uploaded the pictures on my computer that I realized how stately and ravishing Zena looked in this scarf!

I call this picture "Queen Zena"-What a diva!

Monday, May 11, 2009

I Heart Faces - Laughter

"Bath Drops That Fall on My Nose and Eyelashes"
This weeks theme over laughter was really fun. Since many of our photos are of laughter, I had to look back through all of my recent pictures in order to choose my favorite. This photo is not contrived; it's the real moment. This photo captures the first time we decided to sprinkle water on her during her bath. She just seemed enraptured by the sensation of tiny little bath droplets landing on her little head, eyelashes, nose, shoulders, and tummy.

"A Mommy Entangled in a Child's Tire Swing!"

If only you could have been here seconds before I whipped out my camera. Panic was in the air! My best friend decided to swing in a child's tire swing with her very heavy and cumbersome baby boy. She found her legs caught in the center of the swing and unable to escape the jaws of this park toy! Before I lent a helping hand, I quickly sifted one handedly (while holding my baby girl) through my diaper bag to grab my camera. Hey, that's what friends are for!

Monday, May 4, 2009

I Heart Faces- A Little Antoinette

This photo was actually taken last weekend on my daughter's FIRST birthday! We decided to celebrate her birthday with flighty feminity like that of Marie Antoinette- thus the very frou-frou hat and feather!

Our daughter seemed very anxious from all of the commotion - the giddy laughter from grandparents and numerous cameras surrounding her. As you can see in this picture, she looks very solemn as she is attempting to understand what is going on! As the hostess of the party, I only had a few moments to snap a couple of pictures of her. This photo is right in the moment-no time for posing or getting her to grin at Mommy. There were too many gifts to open and cupcakes to be eaten!

On my main blog a la parisienne, I will be posting more pics of her Marie Antoinette style party.